Dinesh D’Souza Literally Obliterate Young Turks and Expose Democrats Delinquency in America

In his shocking new film, Dinesh D’Souza exposes the secret history of the Democrats and the true motivations of Hillary before the election this year. What are these Democrats hiding?

“Hillary’s America” is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital HD now! Order your copy here: http://hillarysamericathemovie.com/#dvd.

STOP! Before you watch any other videos, watch the trailer for “Hillary’s America”—you won’t believe the lies you’ve been taught about the Democratic Party your entire life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7e6gLht6OQ

Want to connect with Dinesh D’Souza online for more hard-hitting analysis of current events in America? Here’s how:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DSouzaDinesh
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dineshjdsouza/

Final Conclusions on Obama’s Birth Certificate Case To Be Announced

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and President Obama each have pending cases against the other, but the conclusion of one is about to be revealed.

In August 2011, the American Hero Joe Arpaio launched an investigation into the legitimacy of the birth certificate Obama finally presented and posted on the White House website, which he claimed was his official birth certificate proving he was born in Hawaii.  

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The Washington Post communist media has finally lost its mind

Not content with embarrassing themselves by peddling the real “fake news” throughout the election, now they are trying to shut down alternative media and analysis sites. The Washington Post has just published an article claiming that the Ron Paul Institute — along with ZeroHedge, LewRockwell.com, and even the Drudge Report — are “sophisticated Russian propaganda” sites. What next…internment camps?


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Gay Serial Killer Guilty of Murdering Men He Met on Grindr

(AFP) – A British chef was found guilty Wednesday of murdering three men he met on gay networking sites after plying them with a date-rape drug.
Stephen Port, 41, invited the men back to his flat and spiked their drinks or injected them with the drug GHB so he could have sex with them while they were unconscious, London’s Old Bailey criminal court heard.

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Crabs and Communists: How Envy People Drags Us All Down

Donald Trump represent the success that many dream of and thats the reason why some people attack so much the image he represent, the image of a success american people, and of course some business people and politicians use this as an advantage. Thats well know as crab people.


It is a funny thing about crabs; when a single crab is placed in a bucket, it will surely seek to climb up and escape. However, in a bucket full of crabs, none can escape as the crabs pull each other down preventing any crab from climbing the bucket and escaping to freedom.


Crab mentality is not limited to individuals. It can be observed in the behavior of groups, communities and nations.

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